3 Month Comprehensive Wellness Journey Package

3 Month Comprehensive Wellness Journey Package

3 Month Comprehensive Wellness Journey Package
  • Embark on a personalized journey towards optimal health with our Comprehensive Wellness Journey Package. 
  • Tailored for individuals seeking a deep dive into their health concerns, this package combines advanced lab testing with a holistic, personalized wellness plan designed to address your unique health needs.

Package Inclusions:

  1. Initial Consultation (60 minutes): An in-depth virtual meeting with our functional medicine expert to discuss your health history, lifestyle, and goals.
  2. Advanced Lab Testing: A curated set of comprehensive lab tests to uncover the root cause of your health issues, including nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and gut health. 
  3. Personalized Wellness Plan: Based on your lab results and initial consultation, you’ll receive a customized plan that includes dietary guidance, supplement recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and stress management techniques.
  4. Weekly Follow-Up Consultations (30 minutes each): To assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to your plan.


Unlimited Email Support: Direct access to our team for any questions or concerns throughout your wellness journey.

Exclusive Educational Resources: Access to our library of blogs that guides on various health topics to support your journey.


  • Comprehensive understanding of your health status through advanced lab testing.
  • A completely personalized approach to improving your health.
  • Ongoing support from our functional medicine experts.
  • Access to a wealth of resources for education and empowerment.
  • Improved energy levels, better digestion, optimized hormone balance, and overall enhanced well-being.

Pricing and Payment Options:

Package Price: 1200$(early bird discount 999$)

Payment Plans Available: Options for installment payments to make your wellness journey accessible.

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Ready to take the first step towards a healthier and vibrant you? Whether you have questions, want to schedule a consultation, or need more information, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

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